Average Settlement Amount for a Back Injury in Oklahoma

Ylla Gosney, Attorneys at Law represents back injury victims in Oklahoma. The average payout for a back injury can vary widely. From four-figure payout to high, seven-figure settlements, the amount of compensation you receive will largely be dependent on the severity of the injury.

Start your free initial consultation today and our experienced team of Personal Injury Lawyers will help guide you through the legal process of reaching a fair settlement for your injury.

Settlement Guide for a Back Injury in Oklahoma

Back injuries that heal quickly may only result in a thousand dollars in emergency room fees. But victims with severe back injuries or left with permanent damage will be able to demand more from their settlement. For example, Ylla|Gosney secured $550,000 a back injury victim who needed surgery. Similar victims who require a lifetime of care after a back injury might secure millions of dollars from a settlement.

The general guide below includes general back injury settlements victims may receive from their claim:

  • Low settlements: low settlements usually consist of minor accidents with little to no injuries. These could include back sprains and strains. Medical bills and property damage costs are usually low in minor accidents, so the settlement amount will reflect the cost of damages. These tend to fall around $5,000 to $10,000.
  • Moderate settlements: moderate settlements apply to accidents with moderate injuries such as whiplash or soft tissue damage. These injuries will require some medical treatment, as well as some missed work. The recovery period can be somewhat long, but victims typically make a full recovery. These tend to fall anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000.
  • High settlements: high settlements involve severe injuries, resulting in long-term medical treatment, permanent disability, or fatalities. These cases usually receive substantial compensation due to the extent of medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, as well as the extent of negligence which caused the accident. These tend to fall anywhere from $100,000 to millions of dollars.

How Much Compensation Should I Ask for in a Back Injury Settlement?

You should always ask for more in a personal injury settlement. Here’s why. Making a settlement demand with the insurance is a negotiation and you should ask for 2 to 3 times more than you think your case is worth. This may seem high, but the insurance company will be making an initial settlement offer that is extremely low. So, it is wise to ask for an amount in a demand letter that is well above what you think you deserve.

A demand letter should be descriptive, factual, and truthful. A well-written demand letter can go a long way toward getting the compensation you want, which is why it is recommended to have a skilled Personal Injury Lawyer assist you with writing it. The details of the demand letter should contain:

  • The time, date, and location of the accident
  • The name of the person/company/government entity at fault, along with their contact information (if applicable)
  • Details of the injuries you’ve sustained directly from the accident
  • Summary of damages incurred, which include medical bills, lost wages, and non-economic damages
  • Supporting documents, which may include X-rays, MRIs, and other photos or videos of the accident if you have them

Types of Back Injuries in Oklahoma

To better understand back injury settlements it is important to consider the types of back or neck injuries people usually suffer from. These injuries include:

  • Whiplash: sudden stops typically cause whiplash, which is when the body and neck snap back and forth, damaging muscles, ligaments, and nerves.
  • Bursitis: the bursa is a fluid-filled sac that cushions the area between bones, muscles, or tendons.
  • Contusions: commonly referred to as a bruise, a contusion can occur after a blunt impact to the body. Symptoms involve pain, swelling, and discoloration
  • Spinal fracture: this injury can cause debilitating pain and in some cases cause someone to suffer limb paralysis or loss of control of basic motor functions.
  • Paralysis: The spinal cord serves as the main line for our brain to control our movements. Damage to the spinal cord can paralyze limbs, muscles, and organs either temporarily or permanently. Cases of tetraplegia, quadriplegia, and paraplegia are types of paralysis that can lead to major settlement.

The Advantage of Legal Representation for a Back Injury in Oklahoma

It is a proven fact that back injury victims are much more likely to receive a fair payout than those who dealt directly with the insurance company without representation. Also, victims with representation have been found to receive twice as much in compensation as those who proceeded unrepresented, even after attorney’s fees. Legal representation offers several advantages if you’ve suffered a back injury. These advantages include :

  • Identifying all liable parties: personal injuries such as back injuries typically involve multiple liable parties. An attorney will investigate all responsible parties and file a personal injury lawsuit against them, maximizing your chance at full, financial recovery.
  • Managing your claim with the insurance companies: insurance companies can and will attempt to get injured victims to agree to a “lowball” settlement, or get you to admit fault. Having your attorney file a lawsuit against the insurance company will let them know you’re aware of your rights and are prepared to exercise them to achieve fair compensation.
  • Following proper legal procedures: An experienced back injury attorney understands the complexities of suing liable parties and the specific legal rules that must be followed. Having your lawsuit properly filed and the details of your situation perfectly outlined for the insurance adjuster will let the defense know you are aware of your rights and are prepared to exercise them.
  • Preparing for litigation: An attorney will expedite the litigation process if no acceptable offer is made. They will prepare you for trial, handle all legal proceedings, and represent you in court.
  • Allowing you to focus on recovery: Hiring a well-practiced attorney will allow you to recover, while they deal with the legal side of your case for you. Not only will this give you a better chance at compensation, but it will alleviate your stress and give you peace of mind while dealing with a very traumatic injury.

Partner with an Expert Back Injury Law Firm in Oklahoma

For a back injury settlement to be successful, you’ll need to prove liability, that someone else is at fault, and proof of your damages. At Ylla Gosney, will build a strong case on your behalf while you focus on recovering and spending quality time with your family. The legal process can seem intimidating, but when you put your case in the trusted hands of our firm, you’ll have nothing to worry about.

Contact us today to begin your free initial consultation and get the expert legal help you need.