Average Settlement Amount for a Broken Arm in Oklahoma

Ylla Gosney, Attorneys at Law supports people suffering from a broken arm in Oklahoma. If you’re seeking compensation for a broken arm injury, the Personal Injury Attorneys at Ylla | Gosney are prepared to aggressively pursue damages on your behalf and get you the compensation you need. Start your free initial consultation to see what legal options are available.

Common Settlement Amounts for a Broken Arm in Oklahoma

While there is no typical settlement amount for a broken arm, there are three settlement amounts accident victims can expect based on the severity of their injury. These settlements include:

  • Low settlement: low settlements usually consist of minor accidents with little to no injuries. Medical bills and property damage costs are usually low in minor accidents, so the settlement amount will reflect the cost of damages. These tend to fall around $5,000 to $10,000.
  • Moderate settlements: moderate settlements apply to accidents with moderate injuries such as whiplash and broken arms. These injuries will require some medical treatment, as well as some missed work. The recovery period can be somewhat long, but victims typically make a full recovery. These tend to fall anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000.
  • High settlements: high settlements involve severe injuries, resulting in long-term medical treatment, permanent disability, or fatalities. These cases usually receive substantial compensation due to the extent of medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, as well as the extent of negligence which caused the accident. These tend to fall anywhere from $100,000 to millions of dollars.

What Influences Settlement Value for a Broken Arm in Oklahoma

When it comes to broken arm injury settlements, several factors may influence the amount of money you can receive. These factors include:

  • Liability: the degree to which the defendant is found responsible for your injury can add value to your settlement. The more reckless the defendant’s actions usually result in a higher settlement.
  • Insurance coverage: the defendant’s insurance policy limits can cap the maximum settlement amount. If the defendant has an insufficient insurance policy, then alternate means of compensation will have to be pursued.
  • Contributory negligence: Oklahoma is a modified comparative negligence state, meaning if you (the plaintiff) are found less than 50% at fault for your injury, then you can receive compensation for your damages.
  • Nature and extent of Injury: the cost of all reasonably necessary medical treatment and the estimated cost of future medical treatment are essential to the value of a case.
  • Objective findings for physical pain: pain is a subjective thing, so, objective evidence is needed to support it in a personal injury case. This is usually presented in the form of X-rays and MRIs.

How to Maximize Your Broken Arm Settlement

Maximizing your settlement is an essential part of recovering from your accident. However, most insurance agencies will try to get injured victims to settle for a much lower amount than their damages are worth. Insurance adjusters do not consider the long-term effects of a broken arm and the impact it can have on a person’s daily life. To ensure your settlement is not reduced, it is recommended to:

  • Get examined by a medical professional. Suffering a broken arm is not a time to act tough and attempt to “walk it off.” If you are injured, get examined by a doctor. Without a professional diagnosis, the insurance company will have just cause to assume you were never injured.
  • Follow your doctor’s orders. By sticking to a treatment plan, you give yourself the best shot at a full medical recovery and show the insurance company how serious your injuries are.
  • Keep and organize your receipts. Keep all documentation associated with your injury, especially documentation of your medical treatment.
  • Don’t wait to file your lawsuit. Time is limited when making an accident claim. Personal injury claims typically have a statute of limitations of two years from the date of the accident. However, if your accident was with a government entity (emergency vehicle, USPS postal truck), then you will only have 6 months to file your claim.
  • Get legal support: It is a proven fact that injured victims with lawyers receive more compensation than those who have taken legal action without one.

Get Legal Help with Ylla Gosney, Attorneys at Law

If you or your loved one has sustained broken bones in an accident due to the negligence of someone else, we can help. Injured victims are entitled to pursue a claim for damages against those responsible. At Ylla Gosney, we have years of experience in reaching successful settlements for our clients and are ready to pursue the maximum amount of compensation possible for your injury. Contact us today to begin your free initial consultation and get the expert legal help you need.