Average Settlement Amount for a Fractured Skull in Oklahoma

Ylla Gosney, Attorneys at Law supports people suffering from a fractured skull in Oklahoma. A skull fracture represents a far more serious injury than most. Even while a skull fracture can heal with proper treatment, it can lead to a number of additional complications.

The skull fracture lawyers at Ylla Goseny can advise you on your right to compensation after sustaining such a traumatic injury. Start your free initial consultation to begin the process of obtaining damages for skull fractures and get the compensation you need to get your life back on track.

How a Lawyer Can Help with a Fractured Skull Injury in Oklahoma

If you’ve suffered a head injury and fractured your skull, determining liability can become a complex matter. Depending on the situation, several parties may be liable for your injuries. So, whether you injured your head in a car accident or from falling due to a hazardous condition, seeking compensation from a specific party requires expert legal assistance. A skilled Personal Injury Lawyer will:

  • Increase your initial settlement by letting the insurance adjuster know you intend to invoke your right to fair compensation
  • Make you aware of the compensation you will need in order to treat your injuries and make a full recovery
  • Help you understand what a fair settlement should be based on the details of your case
  • Build a case by gathering evidence such as:
    • Proof of the damages you’ve suffered
    • Evidence that a person, or business, was liable for your injuries
    • Evidence the accident was in no way your fault, nor could you have done anything to prevent it
  • File a claim in court if a settlement cannot be reached and present your case in front of a jury

How Serious is a Skull Fracture?

A skull fracture occurs when there is a break in the skull. As with most broken bones, there are different kinds of fractures, each of which requires a different type of treatment. The more common types of skull fractures include:

  • A simple (closed) skull fracture means the skull bone is broken but not the sin
  • A compound (open) skull fracture means the skill is splintered and the skin is also broken
  • A depress fracture mean the broken skill is depressed inward toward the brain
  • A linear skull fracture is a thin-line fracture in the skull but with no splintering, depression, or bone distortion.

Seeking Damages for a Fractured Skull in Oklahoma

Skull fractures can be tricky to diagnose and treat. The extent of a skull fracture injury is not always apparent to the victim, especially if it’s their first time suffering a head injury. The reality is, that even when surgery is not required, skull fracture victims may still need several months of treatment before their injury fully heals.

However, the time it takes to fully heal can have a serious impact on a person’s ability to resume their job, as well as function in daily life, resulting in serious damages to a person’s health, livelihood, and well being. A reputable Traumatic Injury Lawyer can file a lawsuit to reclaim the following damages after a fractured skull injury:

  • Present and future medical expenses
  • Loss of income, as well as the reduction in earning capacity due to the injury
  • Cost of living with a fractured skull injury, such as making your home disability accessible, purchasing a wheelchair or crutches, hiring a nurse or housekeeper
  • Pain and suffering caused by the injury
  • Stress and anxiety due to the nature of the accident

Contact Ylla Gosney, Attorneys at Law

If you or your loved one has sustained a fractured skull in a car crash, slip-and-fall accident, or any other accident in Oklahoma, the law firm of Ylla Gosney can help. We have years of experience in reaching successful settlements for our clients and are ready to do the same on your behalf. For your free consultation contact us today and get the expert legal support needed to maximize your settlement.