Ylla Gosney, Attorneys at Law are committed to every aspect of your claim following a slip-and-fall accident at Target. We understand how unhelpful companies and their insurers can be regarding these types of claims and will stand by your side during these difficult times. To find out what options you have, contact a skilled Target slip-and-fall lawyer for a free consultation. We will make sure that a negligent corporation is held fully responsible for the harm that they have caused you.
Do I Need a Lawyer After a Slip-And-Fall Accident at Target?
If you slip and fall at a Tulsa Target, the best thing that you can do right off the bat is to assess your injuries. If you have only suffered from minor pain and bruising, you may not need the assistance of a lawyer to represent you in your case. However, some slip-and-fall accidents lead to catastrophic injuries and property damage. In these cases, it may be necessary to have legal representation on your side.
The unfortunate reality of cases involving Target and other large retailers is that these companies employ corporate lawyers and insurance adjusters to handle their cases. The attorneys and insurance companies may try to shift the blame onto you and pay out as little as possible even when they owe you more. Having a resourceful lawyer on your side at Ylla | Gosney can ensure that you are treated fairly in the midst of your claim.
What Slip-And-Fall Hazards Are Present at Tulsa Target Stores?
From the moment that you enter a Target store for grocery shopping or a quick bite to eat, the store itself owes you a “duty of care” to protect you from harm. The store itself, managers, and staff members are supposed to keep an eye out for dangers all day long at Target. If they do not take care of hazardous conditions and you are involved in a slip-and-fall accident, they could be liable for the harm that you suffer.
Some of the most common hazards that you could come across at Target include:
- Merchandise Spills: In the blink of an eye, food or liquid could become spilled in an aisle where customers are walking. A merchandise spill that is not cleaned up in a short period of time can lead to a devastating fall.
- Hazardous Aisle Displays: A misplaced aisle display may not be seen until it is too late, causing a customer to trip over it.
- Slick Bathroom Floors: Bathroom floors can become slick due to water and soap. When a floor is wet or being cleaned in a bathroom, a staff member or manager should always place warning signs to protect customers from harm.
- Falling Merchandise: If merchandise is not properly stacked on shelves, it can lead to a fall that strikes a victim from above.
- Cracked or Damaged Floors: If a floor is cracked or damaged, it should be fixed immediately. If not, a fall could happen within seconds and lead to immense injury.
- Parking Lot Hazards: Target is still responsible for the safety of customers in their parking lots. A pothole or a cracked sidewalk could cause a slip-and-fall accident with unexpected results.
What Steps Should You Take After a Target Slip-And-Fall Accident?
How you protect your well-being and your legal rights after a slip-and-fall accident are important. You want to maximize the damages that you may be able to receive in the future, which means taking some proper steps after an accident. These include some of the following:
- Seek medical attention for your injuries, which includes going to the hospital and following your doctor’s care orders.
- Report your accident to a Target manager so that the accident is on file.
- Take any photographs or videos of where your accident occurred and the injuries you sustained.
- Obtain contact information from witnesses who were at the scene of your accident.
By protecting your health and taking these steps, you can ensure that Target’s insurer will take you seriously and offer you a settlement that covers all of your damages. If they refuse to do so, you may be able to move forward with a legal claim. Speaking with an attorney at Ylla | Gosney can ensure that your claim is in good hands.
What Damages Are Available After an Accident at a Tulsa Target?
After a slip-and-fall accident at a Tulsa Target, you will typically file an insurance claim or a lawsuit against a responsible party. There are several damages that you may be eligible for, which include:
- Medical bills that you have incurred or expect to incur
- Rehabilitation treatment
- Travel costs to and from medical appointments
- Lost income due to missed time at work
- Permanent disability benefits
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of enjoyment of life
In some cases, you may even be eligible for punitive damages. These damages are meant to punish a defendant and stop reckless behavior from retailers in the future. Speaking with your attorney can help you get a better idea of what damages may be available for you.
Contact a Tulsa Target Slip-And-Fall Lawyer
After a slip-and-fall accident in a Target store, it is vital that you discuss your case with an experienced Tulsa slip-and-fall lawyer. Ylla Gosney, Attorneys at Law represent victims of these traumatic accidents so that you can physically recover as we handle the stressful aspects of your case. We will demand full compensation from property owners and corporations that have caused you harm in your accident. Please contact us today so that we can help you move forward with your claim with a no-obligation case review.